Saturday, May 18, 2013

Prayer Journal Update

A prayer journal is as unique as it's owner.  There are many different methods that can be used to track your prayer life.  The key is to find a system that works well with your personality, your circumstances, and your available time.

After sending a Facebook message to our group about discussing prayer journal techniques, one of the ladies commented back that this was something she had been thinking about.  This was exciting news to me. I prayerfully considered a topic of discussion that would improve our Christian walks.  The Holy Spirit was definitely guiding me as I chose the topic.

We had two ladies other than myself share their prayer journals with the group.  Tracy Livvix explained that she used a composition notebook to write out her prayers based on topic.  She then differentiated the prayers with an upward arrow and the praises with the downward arrow.  The arrow in the left margin beside each prayer represented that our prayer lives are not one way communication.  We pray with requests and God answers with blessings.

Katherine Martin described her "quiet time" as she demonstrated how she used her prayer journal.  She uses a spiral notebook as her prayer journal.  During her "quiet time", she uses a devotional book to guide her Bible study as she ponders the meaning of scripture and how it is relevant to her.  She writes notes and application ideas from the devotion time at the top of the page.  At the bottom of the page, she writes out her prayers.  

The "show and tell" time seemed to go over very well.  I challenged the ladies that do not currently use a prayer journal to think of a method that would best benefit them and their own Christian walks.  Two of the ladies asked for the dividers that I used to form my prayer journal.  They will use the dividers for their own  or to improve their current prayer journals.  Bri commented on Facebook that she is working on putting together a prayer journal and she will bring it next week to "show and tell".  A friend of mine who is following this blog is also very excited about implementing these ideas to form her own prayer journal.  I am very excited that this was a relevant topic for our ladies group and other lady friends.

This could be an ongoing topic to help our ladies group to focus on our prayer lives.  Our prayer journals will grow as we grow in our Christian walk.  We would love to hear how you are using a prayer journal.  What is your method of keeping track of your requests and blessings?  Does a prayer journal benefit your prayer life?  What does yours look like?  Leave a comment below to share your ideas.

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