Friday, May 24, 2013

Bri's Prayer Journal

Livextreme Ladies had a great time during our weekly fellowship.  It is always a time of encouragement just to listen and be heard.  I love hearing from each of the ladies in the group share their responses to the discussion topics.  Each lady is answering based on her current life situation.  Their life circumstances and personalities also shine through in their spiritual growth.

Last week we focused on prayer journals.  I challenged each of the ladies that have not already established a way in which they document prayers to begin a prayer journal that best suits them.  For the ladies that already use prayer journals, I encouraged them to continue in their diligence.  I also mentioned if they feel the need to revamp their prayer journal after hearing these new ideas to do so to keep their prayer lives fresh.

Bri shared her prayer journal and explained a few ways she keeps up with her prayers.  She uses a three ring binder with dividers and loose leaf paper to keep up with her journal.

The first section in her prayer journal is her prayers and praises.  I love how creative and resourceful she was in making her dividers.  The dividers are pieces of construction paper that coordinate with the binder cover.  She punched holes on the side so it would fit in the binder.  She then printed the label on white paper with the funky font and she along with her niece colored the letters.  

In this section, Bri uses a template to guide her prayers.  The picture below will take you to the blog where you can print off this template for free.  It is a great tool to prompt prayers and to keep track of requests along with their answers.  When she writes out her prayers, she also uses the acronym PRAY to form her prayer in order.  P- Praise   R- Repent   A- Ask   Y-Yeild

The next section Bri uses is for her Favorite Bible Verses.  This section is where she writes verses that pertain to her life or a certain topic she is studying.  

The last section is for Random Tidbits.  In this section, she keeps information sheets that pertain to spiritual matters.  She had a few papers that had info about the books of the Bible.

It is wonderful to see ladies growing in their spiritual lives.  Every lady in our group and every lady or person that reads this blog is either in a relationship with Christ or has the opportunity to have a relationship with Christ.  We all have the same ways of fellowship with Christ.  We can read the Bible and pray among other disciplines but these ways of communication can look different for each person.  I pray that you and the ladies in our group will continue to strive to grow in our spiritual lives.  There are many other tools that can be used to help facilitate our spiritual growth.  What are some tools that you use to encourage your own spiritual growth?  Please leave comments and ideas so we can explore may other spiritual tools.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad yall liked my prayer journal :) Having the initial show and tell the week before really helped me out, I'm glad I finally have one now!
